Why Aren’t Americans Truly Free?
Perhaps, Americans are being controlled, but the control is not being exerted from without, in the form of government institutions. Perhaps, the feeling of ‘control’ comes from deep systematic beliefs that are rooted within, starting nearly from birth.
Weekly Haiku For Blue Vol 4
Atlanta man shot
Racism running rampant
Are they getting worse?
The Rest Stop
A strange story I wrote in 2017 when I was on a long car ride home. It’s about an LGBT reincarnation.
Weekly Haiku For Blue Vol 3
An anomaly
Proud to be LGBT
Rainbow flag will fly
Weekly Haiku For Blue Vol 2
Slid back fifty years
How can one man do so much,
damage to our world?
Weekly Haiku For Blue Vol 1
Cold War, Civil War
Won’t we read our history?
Will we ever learn?