Robin Connell

Manchester, CT


Confident and energetic customer service sales specialist, and former dance instructor, is passionate about serving customers and staying active. Thrives in a challenging and fast paced environment. Now looking for a rewarding position where I can put my former skills to use.


To Whom it May Concern:

To give you a brief overview of my work experience and who I am, I started with an ambition to work in theater arts – specifically dance. I obtained an Associate in Dance in 1999. However, such is life, plans changed. I became a mother at a young age and spent nearly a decade between 2000 and 2010 as a full-time mom raising my children. When I entered the work force again, dance no longer appealed to me. I chose to focus on hospitality and customer service because it felt like a good fit for my personality and skill set. I enjoyed some aspects and some not so much.

Recently, (in the past five years) I’ve focused my career efforts on writing and publishing. While I enjoy this, I have realized it is too solitary and I crave human interaction. I will continue to pursue my writing career but more as a part time venture. I am now seeking to enter the work force doing something I feel will both validate and allow me to interact with and provide service to the public.

At Enchantment Resort in 2010, I helped with organizing and executing the day camp program for Camp Coyote. Along with two other staff members, we ran the department collectively because for the length of time I was there, we were without a manager. We came up with daily, weekly, and monthly schedules for the children, including indoor and outdoor activities. We were given a budget and were required to stay within that budget. We had to plan ahead, order supplies as needed, and file reports in conjunction. This also position honed my administrative and customer service skills.

I further developed administrative skills in my position at Oak Creek Terrace (a boutique hotel) as acting night manager and the past two years running my own business. At Oak Creek Terrace, I multi-tasked handling phone calls, guest check-ins, and night audit at the end of the shift. I was required to learn new software which I did within the first two weeks of being hired. I provided customer service and data entry as needed.

For two years, I have been running my small but successful publication business for my self-published books. This venture has honed my attention to detail in record keeping within Microsoft Office, fine-tuned my time management and budgeting skills, and staying on task without a task-master.

I worked at Starbucks for a year to pass the time and get human interaction, as self-publishing is a solitary activity. While I very much enjoy the human interaction, I felt the job was more physically laborious than intellectual. I do enjoy writing and will continue to do this in my part-time hours. In the author world, I’m probably somewhat of an anomaly because I’m more of an extrovert and most writers consider themselves introverts.

I am very eager to return to the workforce and believe my pent-up enthusiasm for work, combined with my relevant educational and professional credentials, will help me contribute meaningfully to your business.

I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my potential fit for this position by phone or in person at your convenience.

Robin Connell


Robin Connell

Manchester, CT
